About the Patient Participation Group

We have had a small Patient Participation Group (PPG) at Bourn for the last 4 years. Out of our 6000 patients we have around 20 who have signed up. The idea of patient participation is to provide support to the practice in the role of “a critical friend”. A PPG should be able to feed into a practice with ideas for improvement and development, and provide feedback on practice performance and changes.

During the Coronavirus Pandemic, we have seen many more patients volunteering and becoming an active part of our communities. We would like to take the opportunity to invite all the volunteers and any other patients who are interested to sign up for our virtual patient group.  This is an opportunity to continue to work together as a health community during both this pandemic and into the future.

We are developing a dedicated web page for the virtual patient group to operate from. We would love to see this provide an online forum and space for discussion and ideas to develop. We would set you up with an individual log in, and add you to the mailing list.

We would not ask much of you individually. We will send you our bimonthly newsletter electronically and invite you to provide feedback via an annual survey.   Beyond that we hope to offer occasional face to face health education events for any who are interested.

If you would like to sign up please contact our practice manager using the secure online form below


Please help us to develop an amazing patient community around Bourn Surgery, so that we might work together to improve the health and wellbeing of all our patients.

Many thanks from the whole team at Bourn Surgery!